Posted On: 2011-10-27

New legal regulations for exporters to the USA

Polish manufacturers who export their products for sale in the U.S. are threatened by loss of access and sales to the market A growing number of Polish companies rely on IT to gain a competitive edge on foreign markets. An effective IT management is a critical business asset. Any inadequacies may expose the organization to legal risks associated with the use of stolen IT. The new legislation which was passed in Washington State in April 2011, makes it possible to act against any company that manufactures an article or a product while using stolen or misappropriated software or hardware, and exports their products for sale in the United States. Based on this new legislation, the company’s products may be seized and get injunctions against sales. Similar legislation was also passed in Louisiana and is likely to be passed by other US states. However, a lawsuit cannot be filed unless a manufacturer persists in using illegal IT after receiving a notice from the IP owner. One of the ways manufacturers can avoid disruption to their business is to make sure they are properly licensed. The one-page guideline that will help clarify how the law works, and how to work within the rules is available on the website of the Association for Competitive Technology: