METASTARS event METASTARS “On Stage” Resilience in Aerospace and Defence
The METASTARS project will be finalised in February 2025, after running for 30 months and supporting 44 SMEs from 12 European countries. The project’s total SME funding has reached 1 million euros, aimed at enhancing resilience in SMEs within the aerospace and defence sectors. As the project concludes, the METASTARS consortium organized a final event, METASTARS “On Stage” Resilience in Aerospace and Defence to showcase the remarkable achievements of the participating companies and open discussions about future opportunities within the industry.
The METASTARS final event took place on December 5th, 2024 at MEETT Convention Center alongside the trade show Aeromart Toulouse, held on December 3-5 2024. The event brought together representatives from nine countries (Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain) showcasing the project’s strong international engagement.
The agenda of the event:

One of the main highlights of the event was the METASTARS Prizes ceremony. Three outstanding SMEs were awarded: ARSOFT, MAP SPACE COATINGS and TERRA SPATIUM by the Advisory Board members. More information here.
To present METASTARS results, we counted with key speeches from:
🌱 Green Transition: SpacEngineer and expert Mélanie Durth from Andalucia Aerospace Cluster
💻 Digital Transition: expert Jarosław Sęp from Rzeszow University of Technology
🔒 Cyber-security: BitRezus (video) and expert Mathias Julien from Cyblex Consulting
🌍 Internationalisation: WaltR and expert Luisa Suarez from Team France Export Occitanie
The event also featured a Round Table discussion moderated by Fabienne Daveran from Aerospace Valley, focused on clusters’ support for SME innovation. The panellists were Eric Gouardes from Aerospace Valley, Silvia de los Santos Trigo from Technological Corporation of Andalusia, Christina Garoufalia from Corallia and Claudia Sidor from Aviation Valley, who shared valuable insights on the challenges and opportunities faced by SMEs in the aerospace industry and the role clusters can play in boosting SMEs capacity to innovate.

Thank you to everyone involved, we look forward to the continued growth and resilience of the aerospace and defence sector.