Posted On: 2005-07-26

Conference of aerospace industries

On 15th of September Aviation Valley Association organized a conference of aerospace industries of the countries newly admitted to the European Union with additional participation of Ukraine, Serbia and and Romania – "Prospects of the Aviation Industry in the expanded European Union"

The conference took place in WSK "PZL-Rzeszów" S.A. Over 160 participants from several countries attended the event.
The main goals of this conference were  direct meetings between entrepreneurs, development of multilateral cooperation – defineing potential partners for  joint research programs; recognizing our collective aerospace potential and mutual fields of specialization, cooperation as well as the level of applied technologies. The discussion also included the creation and development of supply chain, strategy of cooperation within European Union.

Attatched presentations from the conference: ( all presentations, because of its big size, have been compressed by WinRAR, you can download this programme from the link: WinRAR


Acare presentation                        Finnish presentation

The Czech Republic presentation      Ukrainian presentation

Polish presentation                         Hungarian presentation                             

IRC presentation                            WSK "PZL-Rzeszów" S.A. presentation

ASD/AeroSME presentation              Romanian presentation

Serbian presentation                       Aviation Valley presentation

Aeronet presentation                                 

Participants' business cards:

cards 1 cards 7
cards 2 cards 8
cards 3 cards 9
cards 4 cards 10
cards 5 cards 11
cards 6 cards 12