METAcluster Support Towards a more resilient AeRospace and defence ecosystem

METASTARS project is designed to provide the most efficient services to boost the competitiveness of SMEs and to build a sustainable and representative network at European level. The project will offer SMEs financial support to develop innovative projects and to benefit from services to adapt to new technologies, to develop or strengthen their green and digital transition, their innovation potential, their internationalisation strategy towards Japan and Canada, and the upskilling of their work force.

We provide a wide range of services to support innovation, to favour SMEs’ resilience and green and digital transition, to increase business opportunities.

We strengthen and sustain the current European ASD (Aerospace and Defence) network by involving new stakeholders acting in cross-sectorial domains

We develop joint activities to enhance the training and skills’ development of the ecosystem
- To mobilise all existing networks in order to create a strong Alliance. Entities joining METASTARS work in the frame of the ASD ecosystems, in cross-sectorial domains, in industrial technologies, in innovation support for SMEs, private and public entities, to reinforce together this strategic economical domain. With the organisation of four workshops, focusing on topics of interest for the ASD players, METASTARS will reach SMEs across Europe and will implement joint activities within clusters
- On the strength of this network, METASTARS will support the launch of two calls for SMEs, one dedicated to innovative projects at low and high technology readiness levels and one open call for services. The services offered to SMEs will reach the five objectives of the Eurocluster, which are networking, innovate, adopting new processes and technologies, training and going international. In addition, METASTARS prizes will be offered to SMEs in the context of European events. As a whole, 74 support actions will be provided to SMEs
- During the project lifetime, METASTARS will implement a strategy to sustain the Alliance, its network, its management and its activities for clusters and SMEs.