Posted On: 2019-10-24

U.S. Additive Manufacturing Trade Mission to Poland

Within the framework of Enterprise Europe Network, network partners from Poland and USA join forces to organize U.S. Additive Manufacturing Trade Mission to Poland to be held on 22nd November 2019.

Stowarzyszenie Grupy Przedsiębiorców Przemysłu Lotniczego Dolina Lotnicza (SDL), Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania and The European American Business Organization Inc. invites you to take part in the company mission. EEN partners will present to the companies the opportunities to find new business, technology or research partners and inform yourself about the perspectives of the aviation and space region Podkarpackie, Poland.

The mission will include B2B matchmaking sessions and guided tours to Polish institutions and companies from the aerospace sector.

The event will be hosted by the SDL.

The Enterprise Europe Network partners will be in charge of the registration of the participants, the organization and the promotion of the company mission as well as the follow up of the participants. They will organize activities between entities from both countries: Poland and the USA.

Venue: The Podkarpackie Science and Technology Park AEROPOLIS, Jasionka 954A, 36-002 Jasionka, Polska

Date: 22 November 2019

Registration will be possible till 15th Nov 2019 via the following email:

Companies and institutions representing additive manufacturing, 3D and aerospace sector from Poland and USA are welcome.